
Astro-psychology is a fascinating discipline that combines astrology and psychology to help you better understand yourself and achieve significant personal growth. During an astro-psychology consultation at Be Feng-Shui, you can expect an in-depth interview and personalized advice to guide you on your path to well-being and fulfillment.


Astrology allows us to have at our disposal a road map that we can use in particular to know ourselves better and embark on the path to understanding and self-improvement.

Just as it can guide us in certain directions, provided that we make these choices in full consciousness, and by asking ourselves the question of how to do it, how to best use its unique and personal potential.


Astrology does not predict: it allows us to reveal ourselves, it informs, it directs and advises.

Psycho-Astrology differs from Astrology by taking into account in its analyzes
the experiences of the consulting people, their childhood in particular. It
seeks to highlight the blockages that we may experience throughout our lives and
which prevent us from to fully express our personality.

It is a very powerful personal development tool to be in control of our lives!!!

It is an invitation to know ourselves better in order to live the life
that suits

: to put into words the evils, the blockages, the repetitions in our life.

: to discover the opportunities and challenges of our life!!!

Become aware - Understand - Act !!!


Study our life path to understand the origin.

Psycho-Astrology does not give all the answers, it shows the way !!

What I can do for you :         

Find the key to knowing yourself better, revealing your full potential and being an actor in your life.

     Destiny is not a matter of luck. It's a matter of choice 


The key to your Destiny!!!

• From your exact birth coordinates (date, time, place of birth), during my sessions, I suggest you work on your brakes, your blockages, your personality, your mode of operation, the assets and qualities that you can put forward.

session lasting 1 hour 30 price 59 euros by appointment from Monday to Saturday .

You can also opt for an analysis of your choice:

- of your birth chart

- of your Solar Revolution (sky map on your birthday)

Session lasting one hour, price 39 euros

- the study of planetary positions for a key date in your life or to answer a question or for the progress of your project... Session lasting one hour, price 49 euros

• I also offer the personalization of your diary with all the favorable dates in an area of ​​your life.

- for a month, price 30 euros

- for a quarter, price 70 euros

- for a year, price 210 euros

For individuals and professionals.

Invoice on request.




Be Feng-Shui  -  La Rose Des Vents transmission Feng-Shui, Astrologie ...  -  26130 Saint Paul-trois-châteaux - France

Contact : + 330.762.973.034  Monday to Saturday ,


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