Be Feng-Shui and be happy !!!
Feng-Shui is an age-old Chinese philosophy that allows everyone to achieve and
flourish as best as possible through their home and/or workplace.
In the same way that acupuncture in Chinese Medicine understands the human
physical body in its entirety and it is possible to activate an energy point "A"
to repair an area "B",
Feng-Shui promotes circulation energy (ch'i or Qi) in homes,
offices, businesses, cities...
Feng-Shui is the acupuncture of the living or working place. This traditional Chinese art increases the well-being of the occupants, which
is why it is classified in well-being and personal development techniques
such as reflexology of the feet and hands for example.
In movement, this energy is nurturing, but when excessive or stagnant,
it has destructive qualities.
Feng-Shui offers the possibility of acting on the energy balance of the place of life (or work) and thus promotes health, well-being and prosperity of its occupants.
There is a strong interaction between the place where we live, where we work,
our state of mind, our tone and our health.
Feng-Shui is based on the theory of the 5 elements: wood, fire, earth, metal, water. “Feng” means wind, an invisible energy flow and “Shui” means water, a visible flow of energy like a stream for example.
.Feng-Shui is based on the Principle of the Duality of yin and Yang present in our
Universe. We cannot be one or the other. We are one and the other.
In Feng-Shui the cardinal sectors can define the different zones of the plan from your place of residence or work.
: North: the career: this area is linked to the way we show ourselves to the world.
It is dominated by the element Water.
: South: Fame: this zone is linked to social recognition and professional success.
Its element is Fire.
: East: Family and Ancestors: this area is linked to our roots and is represented by the
Wood element.
: West: Projects, children: this zone is linked to creativity, imagination and
its element is Metal.
: North-East: Knowledge, Faith: this zone is linked to our thoughts, its element
is Earth.
: North-West: Foreign aid, travel, man: this area is linked to social relations
and our travels. Its element is Metal.
: the South-East: Wealth, Prosperity: this zone reflects our present and future
state of wealth. Its element is Wood.
: the South-West: Love, friendship, women: this area is dedicated to the way we
relate to the people we love and who love us. Its element is Earth.